pressmen performance and photography

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Magnetic marketing

I wonder whether the marketing techiques of dan kennedy work for SME's?


Blogger the clown said...

In some senses what you say is correct. If one goes to the websites relating to magnetic marketing they are full of hard sell type statements and all sorts of promises.
That is not to say that by necessity all the ideas are worthless. With the growth of web based marketing there are many techniques to achieve marketing goals. From how to achieve good natural listings in google to various pay per click schemes.
The web enables companies and individuals to market there goods and services to a whole range of markets that previously would have been difficult to access. Witness how many people are using the web to buy goods and services. Typical ideas like how you present yourselves are still important. How you develop a marketing mix and how you measure your efforts to see what does and doesn't work. Online and offline. How to coordinate these two to achieve the best results.
Some of this will be guesswork and some will be expertise gained from experience.
We do know that networking can be a powerful form of marketing for certain types of company. we do know that certain types of online viral marketing campaigns have worked for some companies.
And yes a healthy dose of skepticism is helpful within a very complex society.
Yet some new ideas do work and it is best not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

11:53 pm  

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