pressmen performance and photography

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Why choose the Pressmen and both Fake Paparazzi and professional photography

Fake Paparazzi

What is Fake Paparazzi? Sometimes it is called spoof paparazzi or digital paparazzi.

Within the idea of Fake Paparazzi one can have 1950's style or a modern style. For us at the Pressmen we prefer the old fashioned style with double breasted pinstripe suits,trench coats and trilby's.
We do have a modern version which although good is not as strong theatrically.

Theatrical Paparazzi

What is in it for the client. How will they benefit from booking Fake Paparazzi? There are two main factors. One is they act as an icebreaker at the beginning of a party and in doing this help create a fun atmosphere.
For the client this makes their guests happy which in turn makes their party fun and everyone remembers the party. Impact and memorability.
The nitty gritty of doing this is to create a moment of theatre. As soon as guests see the Fake Paparazzi they know what they represent. They understand the setting. The stage is created. That leads into making the guests feel special. The Fake Paparazzi treat them as special,as celebrities,as winners. They talk to them as if they are famous and that in itself  although a piece of theatre still has impact. In modern anonymous society to be treated as a human being as someone who is special, that has impact. 
The key to performing in this way is to set the scene and then listen to what the guests says. Then improvise to their reply. This cannot be overlooked if the performance is to maximize its impact. Listen and relate to what they say. It is essential to listen and create a dialogue. It is only a quick moment but it is essential that there is real dialogue. 

Listening Paparazzi

If as Fake Paparazzi we get both the listening and dialogue at the right level we have done our job. This creates a relationship to the guests which has an immense effect later on in the event. It is essential for the event photography. Listening Paparazzi create relationships for the evening. This makes the Fake Paparazzi opening work and it is a key to the effective taking of photographs. 

And so ends Part 1 of this blog. These ideas will be developed in the next part of this blog.


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